Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Ugly Truth About How You Died...

Haddie Bo Bo,

In the first few weeks after you had past I was living in a fog.  I was under the impression that you went to sleep and just didn't wake up.  This is the furthest thing from the truth.  We slowly started finding out different pieces of information about what happened.  After each meeting we felt hit by a bus.  We met with the detective who was on the scene first.  He would tell us certain things but never really spelled out what had happened.  It wasn't until I met with the lady from CPS, who was there that day, until I found out exactly what happened.  After that meeting my whole world was turned upside down AGAIN.  A week or so after that I met with the lady from Ottawa County DHS who was in charge of licensing for in-home daycares.  That meeting I found out even more information about that day.  I went from thinking you just died to knowing that your death shouldn't have EVER happened.

Haddie I will start by saying that someone failed you.  Nothing was done to intentionally hurt you, but decisions were made that day that lead to your death.  It doesn't mean you weren't loved by this person.  There are rules known as Safe Sleep rules that licensed daycares must follow and many of these rules were violated and lead to your death.  I will list each violation straight from the State of Michigan Safe Sleep Rules website.

Soft objects, bumper pads, stuffed toys, blankets, quilts or comforters, pillows, and other objects that could smother an infant must not be placed with or under a resting or sleeping infant. Blankets must not be draped over cribs or porta-cribs.

You were put down for a nap in a pack and play that was next to a crib with a thick comforter in your reach, draped over the side of the crib.   You were left in the pack and play sitting up and I am sure with a huge toothy grin on your face.  Everyone knew how much you loved to cuddle and you grabbed that blanket not knowing it would kill you.  You got wrapped up in it and couldn't find your way out.  The thought of you laying there falling asleep wrapped in this blanket kills me.  It hurts me so much and it makes me scream I am so mad.  

The crib or porta-crib must have a firm, tight-fitting mattress with a tightly fitted bottom sheet covering the mattress. No additional padding can be placed between the sheet and mattress.

There was no sheet covering the pack and play.

Caregivers must maintain supervision and monitor a sleeping infant’s breathing, sleep position and bedding for possible signs of distress.

Haddie this violation is the most disturbing violation to me.  During this time your caregiver was taking a nap. Daycare providers are also required to check on a sleeping baby every 20 minutes by physically touching the baby and listening and looking for breath.   This is the part that says "monitor a sleeping infant's breathing".  They learn this requirement in their Safe Sleep class that they are required to take before they can become licensed.  If someone would have checked on you just would be here.  They would have seen the blanket wrapped around your head and upper body and removed it.  Or they would have been able to give CPR much sooner.  The detective told me that you had been gone for a whole hour before anyone found you.  You were cold, stiff, and your eyes were open.  

Living with this truth is torture.  I am making it my life's mission to inform parents, caregivers, grand-parents, of the importance of Safe Sleep.  I am sure that some of these rules even seem silly, like checking on a sleeping baby every 20 minutes by touching them.  You were a light sleeper and just opening your door would wake you.  But it seems silly until you aren't here anymore.

I am sharing all of this information not to make anyone feel bad but to prevent any more deaths.  Over 140 babies died last year because of Safe Sleep Violations.  These are preventable deaths that should never happen.  People need to think twice before giving a baby a blanket no matter how "breathable" it is.  The risk is simply not worth it.

My life changed in the blink of an eye.  I dropped you off sweet girl, happy and healthy.  Because these rules weren't followed I was never able to pick you up, Haddie.  I can't even explain how it feels to not be able to pick up your baby.

Haddie, I would move heaven and earth to change the events of that day.  You died on Tuesday and I remember saying on that Monday, "If the girls are giving you problems or if you are tired, please let me know and I will pick them up."  Why didn't someone call me...

I love you and I wish this never happened.  I miss you so much, there is a huge hole in our life now, and it can never be filled.



Here is the link to the Safe Sleep Rules:


  1. My heart breaks for you and your family. In my worst nightmare I don't think I could ever understand what you are going through. I type this with tears falling down my face wishing I had the words to say to make your aching even a smidgen less, but, I do not. Reading your story you can feel your sorrow and your love for your little angel. May God hold you close and reassure you that although you may not be able to pick her up, she is with you always and there will be memories that whisk through your mind that will indeed be a much needed pick me up. Take care of yourself, she is going to be held by you again one day......

    1. Thank you so much for your support. I love what you said and I can't wait to hold her again someday.

  2. Oh my god!!! I don't even know where to begin. I can't believe that her caregiver was taking a nap as well as she was & probably other kids as too. I write this with a heavy heart & tears in my eyes. I truly hope that you press for legal action surly there is something that could be done!!! I can't believe there are people out there that do this. The whole reason for them to go through safety tips & classes is to make sure the children are safe!!! I hope that I reach you in a better place since this incident & I hope that you have the best of memories b cause she will never truly die. She will always be in your heart and soul & that is what will keep ur angel alive!!! I truly hope that people see your story & triple check on kids especially triple check the people we leave our kids with. My heart goes out to u & ur family!!!

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words I truly appreciate them.

  3. This is terrible. In better views I hope it can save children's lives. I'm so sorry this happened. Keeping her memory alive by advocating safe sleep is awesome. Hang in there momma! God bless you and your family .

  4. This is terrible. In better views I hope it can save children's lives. I'm so sorry this happened. Keeping her memory alive by advocating safe sleep is awesome. Hang in there momma! God bless you and your family .

  5. In Washington state we do not have this class however we were notified of the new laws by a letter or personally by our licensor. I took this seriously when I was told that a provider up north had a infant who died from sids. As a provider my worst fear was not only to have a child get hurt but even more so a child die in my care. I took this information very seriously and had infants sleeping within my eyesight. I hope by sharing your story that it will bring awareness to others that children need to be watched at this young age and keep all objects away from them. I am so sorry for your loss and will pray for you and your family. Hugs

    1. Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support Julie. Thank you for taking such good care of the little ones in your care!

  6. I am going to school to get a degree in early childhood education. I've learned all of these regulations and rules. It breaks my heart that this tragic thing this has happened to your sweet baby and your family. These rules are so important and need to be observed. I can't make promises for all the others working with young children but I for one will observe these regulations and keep children safe.

    1. Lydia that means the world to me and my family. Thank you!

  7. A family member posted a link to your blog on her Facebook page today. My heart breaks for you and your family. I am so sad this happened....

  8. I am so very incredibly sorry for your loss, there are no words but some understanding! I lost my daughter when she was just 2, under very different circumstances but she essentially went to bed healthy & didn't wake up. I share the same angst reading an autopsy report of my lil girl & ambulances are gut wrenching. Essentially her lil throat closed up in her sleep, no symptoms, a rare/strange fluke. I pray you will continue to find comfort & healing, I'm heat for any support & encouragement I can give! It's been almost 3 years for me & it's still so surreal. Thank you so much for the courage to share your beautiful daughters story as awareness & education for others.

    Hugs & prayers,


  9. I am so very incredibly sorry for your loss, there are no words but some understanding! I lost my daughter when she was just 2, under very different circumstances but she essentially went to bed healthy & didn't wake up. I share the same angst reading an autopsy report of my lil girl & ambulances are gut wrenching. Essentially her lil throat closed up in her sleep, no symptoms, a rare/strange fluke. I pray you will continue to find comfort & healing, I'm heat for any support & encouragement I can give! It's been almost 3 years for me & it's still so surreal. Thank you so much for the courage to share your beautiful daughters story as awareness & education for others.

    Hugs & prayers,


    1. Meagan, Thank you so much for reaching out to me and sharing your story. I am so very sorry that you lost your little girl. I do find comfort by talking to people who understand how hard this journey is. I am so very grateful for your prayers and support. My heart goes out to you and your loss and I will be praying for you and your family.

  10. I am so very incredibly sorry for your loss, there are no words but some understanding! I lost my daughter when she was just 2, under very different circumstances but she essentially went to bed healthy & didn't wake up. I share the same angst reading an autopsy report of my lil girl & ambulances are gut wrenching. Essentially her lil throat closed up in her sleep, no symptoms, a rare/strange fluke. I pray you will continue to find comfort & healing, I'm heat for any support & encouragement I can give! It's been almost 3 years for me & it's still so surreal. Thank you so much for the courage to share your beautiful daughters story as awareness & education for others.

    Hugs & prayers,


  11. Words cant express my sorrow for you and your loved ones, Haddie is always with you. Thank you for putting your life out there and bringing much needed awareness to this subject. May God comfort and guide you. much love, Renee

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. very true and touching never wouldve thought i wouldve had to go though it only if i wouldve checked on my son every 20 mins my world will never be the same my son passed away 2 days after your daughter passed :-( so sorry for your lose i can say i know every pain your experiencing right now

    1. I am so very sorry to hear about your son. I am sorry for the pain that you go through everyday without your precious son. Be gracious to yourself.

  14. My heart hurts badly for you ...I work in a day care and we are required to too pass the back to sleep testing befor we can work in daycare we are not allowed to ever leave our rooms were the children are sleeping we have to be there at all times and this is how it should be agian i cant imagine the pain u feel please know that this has touched me in a way that I may never know I would love to share this with our providers...I'm thinking about u and your family

    1. Thank you so much for your support. Thank you for taking such good care of those little ones and following the rules!

  15. Your baby is sooo cute.
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